Site Policies and Legal Notice


All contents of this site are copyright © 2001-2007 Himeno and may not be taken, copied, reused, borrowed, altered or used in any way without the express written permission of the site owner.
The characters depicted in the anime, manga and live productions of Bishoujo Senshi SailorV/Bishoujo Senshi Seramuun(BSSM)/Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (PGSM) are copyright © 1991-2006 by Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha and are used on this site under the fair use clauses of International Copyright Law.
All 'Otaku Senshi' (Sailor Caloris, etc) are parody works under the Berne Copyright Convention and are Copyright © 2001-2007 Himeno
Any Literary and Artistic Works on this site are Copyright to the respective writer or artist.
Nothing on this site is in the public domain and as such can not be taken for use by anyone without the express permission of the site owner.
You may:

You must ask if you want to:

You may not:

Picture Policy

Any graphics and images appearing on this site may not be displayed on other sites except if you have obtained expressed written permission from the site owner.

Many images appearing on this site were requests and gifts from various artists. You may not display those images without the expressed written permission from both the site owner and the artist.

Do not use any ideas that have been created for this site. For example, don't make a picture of Caloris with different colour hair and markings, and call her a different name. That is plagiarism. It is much more rewarding if you create your own ideas and senshi.

Do not alter any pictures in any way.

If you wish to save some of the pictures for your viewing pleasure; feel free, however you are not allowed to post them on any other site. All images are to be held on this site alone unless prior written consent has been given by the site owner for them to be featured elsewhere. If you would like to use the pictures for references please give credit after you have been given consent. You may also use the poses alone but you cannot use the actual picture and change the colour scheme to call it your own senshi. That is stealing.

Fanart/Story Submission

You may submit fanart or stories to the site owner of Characters appearing within. Please email any submissions to

In order to give the credit you deserve, please inculde your name or nick and site URL or email. For stories, also inculde a rating and a short discription of the story.
If your image is an edit of some kind (Doll bases, KiSS dolls, Sprites etc) based on an image that someone else made, also send their URL.

Character Policy

Original Characters may not be used except in the following:

Affiliate Policy

FF:LF is not looking for any affiliate or sister sites. DO NOT ASK. The site owner will ask you.
