This site first started as a basic idea for a senshi developed during the bus trips to and from school at the end of 2001 and through into 2002. By the middle of 2002, I had a basic profile and story background typed up on a barebones site on Angelfire.
Soon afterwards, I started to get giftart and requested images and needed somewhere better to put them then a one page, white background black text site on angelfire. I requested a layout when they were offered on a forum and built my site on Brinkster under the name "Sailormoon T"
Over the next few months, the site grew and the story changed along with the sites name. First "Ice Star" and finally, "Frozen Fire: Liquid Flame".
During the early part of 2003, I grew annoyed at the uploading system used by Brinkster, and looked for hosting. I found and two lovely hosts (who have now shut down the site :( ). FFLF remained on glitter-clouds for a few months until I got the second layout from Andrea and decided to use php and cgi. Unfortunately, glitter-clouds didn’t have php and cgi. I needed to move again. I saw that Chime had been offering hosting on and that some of the hostess had shut down their sites. Chime wasn’t hosting at the time, but we had been chatting for a while and I explained what the problem was. I had already started looking for other hosts when Chime said she would give me some space. ^_^
On June 17 2003, I moved FFLF from to (putting up my second site on glitter-clouds). I was hosted by Chime for a while until she decided not to renew At that time FF:LF went on Hiatus.
During early August 2005, I saw that Rune was offering hosting on her domain. I quickly jumped on the offer and was hosted at spazmonkey until the domain name expired in March 2007. After a few weeks, Rune got a new domain,, and gave me the subdomain again. ^_^ Thanks again Rune.
Version 3 : Transformations
August 2005 - March 2007
Layout designed by Himeno
Image by Song of Amazon
Link sprites by Himeno, Shuu, Mizz Adamz and Kristian
Version 2 : FFLF
June 2003 - May 2004
Layout designed by Andrea
Background image by Andrea
Version 1 : Blue
December 24 2002 - June 16 2003
Layout designed by Dementia.
Background image is designed by Lia.
Original corner image by Leviathen.