Profile - Akina Yuri

Civilian Name Akina Yuri
English Translation Spring Flower Lily
Gender Female

Physical Characteristics

Height 142cm (4'8")
Weight 60kg (132lb)
Eyes Yuri’s eyes are bright red. Sometimes she appears to have black eyes during the school week due to lack of sleep.
Hair Yuri’s hair is light brown in colour. Her hair is tied into a platted ponytail; the end of which reaches her waist. Her fringe is a slightly darker brown then the rest of her hair and covers most of her forehead stopping just above her eyes. Yuri uses a small pendent to tie off the end of her ponytail. The pendent has a small flower shaped engraving in the middle.
Skin Tone Caucasian with a fair complexion
Birthday February 19
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Age 13
Blood Type B
Build Yuri has a thin build with a small chest and well defined legs.
Unique Physical Traits Yuri has a number of small scars on her left ankle as a result of getting clawed by a large alley cat.

Personal Characteristics

Favourite Stuff

Food Yuri likes rice for its versatility. She is quite adapt at creating dishes with rice.
School Subject Drama, Music
Gemstone Agate
Colours Green

Least Favourite Stuff

Food Cucumbers and Beans
School Subject Home Economics. Yuri has problems with cooking. If it isn’t rice, she can’t cook it.
Colours Red reminds Yuri of blood.


Dreams Yuri dreams of becoming a well-known stage and movie actress. She hopes to be able to attend drama school once she has finished high school. Yuri would like to perform in a number of Japanese musicals before working on Broadway and in Hollywood.
Lingual Skills Japanese, some English
Strengths Yuri has a good perception of things going on around her.
Weaknesses Yuri tends to be submissive and often is unable to say no because of her natural selflessness.
Fears Yuri has a great fear of blood, claws and big teeth. She can't stand the sight of blood, seeing her own has been known to make her faint.
Hobbies During her spare time, Yuri can often be found singing karaoke at the Crown gaming and karaoke plaza.
Clothing Yuri likes to wear leather and silk clothing, but isn’t too fussed about it. She will wear just about anything, unless it is white. Yuri refuses to wear anything that is totally white.


Living Situation Yuri’s family recently moved to a two bedroom apartment located on the 3rd floor of an apartment building between Shiba Park and Tokyo Tower. She shares a room with her sister, Keiko.
Family Akina Keiko, Yuri’s sister. Keiko and Yuri are identical twins with Keiko being 15 minutes older. Yuri and Keiko often have fun tricking people into thinking they are the other twin.
Yuri’s father, Ryuji, was 35 years old when he was killed. He was a policeman and died during a car chase. The armed criminals shot at the pursuing police hitting the driver. The officer lost control of the car and crashed into a wall at high speed, killing both officers in the process. Yuri was 10 years old at the time. Shortly after Ryuji’s death, the family moved to Tokyo.
Manami, Yuri’s mother, is a 37-year-old elementary school teacher at Juuban elementary. She has short brown hair and green eyes.
Residency Shiba Park area, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Place of Origin Hiroshima, Japan
School Yuri is in class 6-A at Mugen Gakuen along with Tomoe Hotaru

Profile - Sailor Mucai

Senshi Name Sailor Mucai () Mucai is Chinese for "wood"
Sailor Colours Green, Black, Purple
Realm of Influence Wood (Plants, blossoms, nature, earth)
Aura Colour Brown to Terracotta, occasionally Orange
Mission The mission of the Alpha Centauri senshi is to recover the Light Crystal by any means necessary and use it to restore their home worlds.

Fuku Basic: Mucai has a purple chocker and a black V shaped neck guard located between her chocker and sailor collar. Mucai’s sailor collar is purple and doesn’t have any lines. Her front bow is black with a rounded heart shaped purple brooch. There is an eight pointed star shaped engraving on the brooch. The star is a darker purple then the rest of the brooch. Her fuku is white with a gold piping across the middle of her chest. Her gloves are white from her wrist reaching half way to her elbow, she has a purple glove attached which covers her thumbs, the glove is fingerless. Mucai has a black belt with a gold metal buckle between her bodice and skirt. Her skirt is purple. It is cut diagonally from her left hip to right knee. Mucai’s shoes are white reaching almost to her knees, the top of the boots have a number of short vertical gold lines. There is a purple T shaped mark on the front covering her ankle and foot. Her arms have a purple arm guard between her shoulder and elbow. There is a gold line at the bottom of the arm guard. Mucai’s earrings are small chains hanging from a small dark green stud. The chains look as if they are small vines. A green ringed planet hangs from the end of the chains. Sailor Mucai has a gold V shaped tiara with a green ringed planet logo in the middle. The tiara extends partly onto the top of her head, covering her hair above her ears with green seed shaped shields.
Henshin Phrase Basic: Mucai Power, Make Up
Crystal: Mucai Stellar Power, Make Up
Twilight: Mucai Twilight Power, Make Up
Henshin Object Basic: Sailor Mucai's henshin object is a small palm sized orb. The orb has a green wooden plant-like appearance etched into the outer casing. The orb changes colour with the seasons as though it were a leaf. It has a tint of mixed green, brown and red.
Crystal: Mucai's second henshin object is a heart shaped pendant made of Agate that is approximately 3cm wide (1.5 inches). The pendant is strung from a chain made of a material resembling white quartz.
Weapon Effloresce Stave: Mucai's stave is a symmetrical staff that is 168cm (5'6") tall and about 3cms (1.25") in diameter. The center shaft stretches 122cm (4') and expands on either end into an octagonal flare. A 2cm (3/4") core extends from the top of the domed center of the octagonal flare and meets with two rings of increasing diameter. From the rings sprouts a floral fan. The stave becomes Mucai's earrings when she isn't holding it.


Dionaea Entrapment Mucai generates a seed in her hand and then crouches down placing her palm on the ground. The seed tunnels into ground and can travel a short distance until it lodges underground. Once lodged, the seed sprouts and grows into the ‘head’ of a Dionaea Muscipula and this sets the trap. When triggered, either by Mucai’s powers or by contact with another body, the Dionaea slams through the ground and closes around the victim. After the trap has closed, the inside begins to fill with acid and compresses on the victim. Dionaea Entrapment is a passive attack which Mucai often needs to set up in advance to be of any real effect. She can use another version of this attack, Muscipulus Allurement, which lures the victim towards it. This is one of Sailor Mucai's basic attacks.
(Blossoms) (Pollen? - basic)
(Earth) (Wall of some sort - crystal)
(Wood) (use weapon... - crystal)
(Nature) (Twilight)
