Senshi Weapons

Ice Bow

The Ice Bow is a weapon forged into the shape of a crossbow from a special crystalline material which was found only in the moon kingdom. The crystal the bow was made from is the only known natural material that is able to focus the powers of a sailor senshi. The small amount of the crystalline material found on the moon was used to create weapons for the sailor senshi such as the Moon Stick, Garnet Rod, Silence Glaive and Mercury Lyre. The Ice Bow was the last of the weapons to be created from the crystalline deposit and sealed in Hoshi’s shuttle before the Dark Kingdom attack.
Flail Lightening Hammer

The gem on Xiao's necklace is able to turn into the Lightening Hammer when it is removed from the necklace. When Xiao pulls the gem from the necklace, it grows longer to become the center piece of a hammer. The sides of the hammer bare the runic symbol lettering that was used in the Alpha Centauri star system. The symbols of Xiao and Jupiter are prominent on each end of the hammer. The hammerhead itself resembles the mythical Thor's Hammer of ancient Norse legend. Attached to the top sides of the hammer, level with the handle, are a pair of flails. The flails are short metallic chains which have medium sided metal cylinders attached at the end. The cylinders are covered in sharp spikes. The flails are what allows the hammer to be used in magical attacks, but are dangerous in their own right.

Sailor Sa's weapon is a pair of folding paper hand fans. They have yellow rods and silver paper. A symbol is visible on each fan when it is unfolded, both symbols are yellow. One fan has Sa's symbol. The other has a ringed planet icon, with the mars symbol overlaying the planet, partly hidden behind the ring.
Effloresce Stave

Mucai's stave is a symmetrical staff that is 168cm (5'6") tall and about 3cms (1.25") in diameter. The center shaft stretches 122cm (4') and expands on either end into an octagonal flare. A 2cm (3/4") core extends from the top of the domed center of the octagonal flare and meets with two rings of increasing diameter. From the rings sprouts a floral fan. The stave becomes Mucai's earrings when she isn't holding it.

Images by Sakky
