Profile - Arashi Hikari

Civilian Name Arashi Hikari
English Translation Storm’s Light
Gender Female

Physical Characteristics

Height 168cm (5'8")
Weight 61kg (135lb)
Eyes Hikari has normal sized blue-green eyes. At times, one can see the fury of a large storm in her eyes, even when she is happy.
Hair Hikari’s hair is chin length that falls to the nape of the neck in the back. Her bangs are parted away from her forehead and fall just in front of her ears. They reach to just below her chin. Her hair is dark red.
Skin Tone Caucasian. Hikari is of a fair complexion with a slight olive tone.
Birthday May 12
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Age 15
Blood Type A
Build Hikari has an average frame, her leg muscles are well toned and she has above average strength in her arms and upper legs, partly due to her playing basketball.
Unique Physical Traits Hikari is ambidextrous favouring her left hand.

Personal Characteristics

Favourite Stuff

Food Chocolate and Sashimi
School Subject Home Economics, Hikari likes to cook anything with chocolate in it, she also likes to design and make her own clothes.
Gemstone Emerald
Colours Light Yellow

Least Favourite Stuff

Food Hikari has a great dislike for roasted food. She feels that roasting it makes the food too tough and removes the taste.
School Subject History. Hikari has a general dislike for old things. She prefers newer things.
Colours Brown


Dreams Hikari would like to become a pilot in the Japanese Self-Defence Air Force or for Japan Airlines (JAL).
Lingual Skills Japanese, English
Strengths Determination and stamina
Weaknesses Her occasional hidden uncertainty. Hikari tends to get nervous easily, especially around overly excited people.
Hobbies Basketball and Swimming
Clothing Hikari tends to wear clothes of her own design. She likes to wear dresses or shorts and short-sleeved shirts in lighter colours.


Living Situation Hikari’s family lives in an apartment building in the middle of Azabu-Juuban which is set aside for the families of JSDF personnel.
Residency Azabu-Juuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Place of Origin Okinawa, Japan
School Juuban Junior High

Hikari is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things she had worked on, such as assignments and her clothes. As a result, she is fairly adapt at paying attention to detail, yet can become stubborn and persistent if people criticise her.

She likes to be direct and generally speaks her mind, but she tends to be shy and cautious around people she doesn’t know. Hikari doesn’t have many friends, because she takes a long time to forgive someone. As she finds it hard to understand the views of others, she can be quick to anger when someone opposes her. Hikari is very security conscious, loyal and protective to the few friends she has and will protect them for as long as she is able.

Sailor Xiao

Senshi Name Sailor Xiao () Xiao is Chinese for "sound of rain and wind"
Sailor Colours Lavender and Whiteish-Yellow
Realm of Influence Storms (Rain, Lightning, Thunder, Magnetic, Electricity, Wind)
Henshin Scene Hikari throws her henshin object above her where it hovers. A small storm develops above the object as many bolts of lightening hit it. With a crack of thunder, lightening shoots out of the object to cover nearby items in electricity. The henshin object floats down to hover above Hikari’s chest as a strong wind starts to push the magnetically charged items towards her. The items cover Hikari’s body and melt into each other until rain starts to fall. Once the rain stops, Sailor Xiao stands with her feet together, her left hand over her brooch and right hand opened towards the sky.
Aura Colour Lavender
Mission The mission of the Alpha Centauri senshi is to recover the Light Crystal by any means necessary and use it to restore their home worlds.

Fuku Basic: Sailor Xiao's tiara is a straight almost rope like band running around her head. It appears to be made of lightning. The jewel is shaped like a vertically ringed silver planet. Xiao's choker is a necklace which wraps around her neck twice before ending in a lavender gem. The chain is whiteish-yellow. Her sailor collar is lavender and has no lines. Her front bow is whiteish-yellow with a rounded heart shaped lavender brooch. There is an eight pointed star shaped engraving on the brooch. The star is a darker yellow then the rest of the brooch. Her fuku is white with a gold piping across the middle of her chest. Xiao’s gloves are white and fingerless. They reach to half way between her shoulder and elbow. The gloves end under the frill of the arm guards; however the arm guards are not attached to the gloves. The arm guards are lavender with a gold line along the middle. The arm guards are midway between her elbow and shoulder. Xiao has a white belt with gold metal between her bodice and skirt. Her skirt is lavender and is cut diagonally from her left hip to right knee. Xiao’s shoes are white reaching almost to her knees; there is a lavender line near the top of the boots and another line around her ankle. Xiao's earrings are small chains hanging from a small lavender stud. The chains look as if they are lightning bolts, a vertically ringed silver planet from the end of the chains.
Crystal: Sailor Xiao’s tiara is a straight almost rope like band running around her head which appears to be made of lightning. The jewel is shaped like a vertically ringed silver planet. Xiao’s choker is a necklace which wraps around her neck twice before ending in a lavender gem. The necklace chain is whiteish-yellow. Her sailor collar is lavender and has no lines. Her front bow is whiteish-yellow with an eight pointed star shaped lavender brooch. There is a heart shape engraving on the brooch. The engraving is a darker yellow then the rest of the brooch. Her fuku is white with a gold piping across the middle of her chest. Xiao’s gloves are white and fingerless. They reach to half way between her shoulder and elbow. The gloves end under the frill of the arm guards; however the arm guards are not attached to the gloves. The arm guards are lavender with a gold line along the middle. The arm guards are midway between her elbow and shoulder. Xiao has a white belt with gold metal between her bodice and skirt. Her skirt is lavender and is cut diagonally from her left hip to right knee. The skirt and belt are mirrored, with another layer cut diagonally from her right hip to her left knee. Xiao’s shoes are white reaching almost to her knees; there is a lavender line near the top of the boots and another line around her ankle. Xiao’s earrings are small chains hanging from a small lavender stud. The chains look as if they are lightning bolts, a vertically ringed silver planet from the end of the chains.
Henshin Phrase Basic: Xiao Power, Make Up
Crystal: Xiao Stellar Power, Make Up
Twilight: Xiao Twilight Power, Make Up
Henshin Object Basic: Xiao's henshin object is a small palm sized orb. The orb has a water and thunder like appearance etched into the outside. It has a lavender tint.
Crystal: Sailor Xiao's second henshin object is a heart shaped pendant made of Amethyst that is approximately 3cm wide (1.5 inches). The pendant is strung from a chain made of a material resembling white quartz.
Weapon Flail Lightening Hammer: The gem on Xiao's necklace is able to turn into the Lightening Hammer when it is removed from the necklace. When Xiao pulls the gem from the necklace, it grows longer to become the center piece of a hammer. The sides of the hammer bare the runic symbol lettering that was used in the Alpha Centauri star system. The symbols of Xiao and Jupiter are prominent on each end of the hammer. The hammerhead itself resembles the mythical Thor's Hammer of ancient Norse legend. Attached to the top sides of the hammer, level with the handle, are a pair of flails. The flails are short metallic chains which have medium sided metal cylinders attached at the end. The cylinders are covered in sharp spikes. The flails are what allows the hammer to be used in magical attacks, but are dangerous in their own right.


Static Strike Xiao lifts her hand towards the sky as bands of energy begin to dart across her tiara. She mumbles "Static" and her hair begins to stand on end, the back edges of her collar curl upwards as if attracted to her hair. The bands of energy jump from her tiara to her arm as she lowers it towards her target. Calling "Strike", the built up electrical energy arcs from her hand to the target to give them a shocking experience.
(Rain) (defence - basic)
(Lighting) (attack, use weapon - crystal)
(Thunder) (attack, forbidden/powerful - crystal)
(Magnetic) (Area attack - Twilight)
