Alpha Centauri History

In the centuries before the peace of the Silver Millennium, Sol was torn by numerous wars between the planetary kingdoms and monsters attacking everything in their path. Many people grew tried of the repeated wars and random attacks. A number of people from Mars, Jupiter and Saturn under the leadership of part of the planets royal families, joined together to build ships and soon left the Sol star system. It took 500 years for the magic powered generational ships to reach the nearest habitable planetary system, Alpha Centauri. The colonists had no idea that while they were in transit, Sol had banded together and defeated the monsters before forming the Silver Millennium.

Upon entering the Alpha Centauri system, the colonists found three habitable Earth like worlds. These worlds were locked in a form of permanent winter. Shortly after the humans had landed on the planets, the sailor crystals buried deep within the sleeping worlds activated and bought their respective worlds back to life.

The colonists from Mars landed on the inner world which they named Sa, the people from Jupiter landed on the second planet called Xiao and the travellers from Saturn called the third planet Mucai.

With life returning to their planet, the sailor crystals of Sa, Xiao and Mucai blended with the queens of each kingdom as they became pregnant and awaited their turn to shine.

Over the course of the next 400 years, the colonists adapted to their new homes and slowly built up their planets until they came together in 494CE (Earth date) to form the Centauri Coalition, their three kingdoms working together as one.

Soon afterwards the queen’s became pregnant and the sailor crystals activated. Sixten years later the princess of each kingdom became sailor senshi on their birthdays.

In Earth year 998CE the kingdoms became shocked when they saw the star four light years away, Sol, become blackened followed by a rapid bust of silver light. Something had happened in their former home, the Dark Kingdom had wiped out the Silver Millennium. Within another 500 years, the Alpha Centauri kingdoms had their turn to follow the Silver Millennium into the night.

The Death Phantom attacked Alpha Centauri with all his power while passing through to reach the planet Nemesis in the outer Sol system. The opening attack was a complete surprise to the peaceful inhabitants of the star system. The twin small moons of Mucai, Harvest and Bloom, suddenly dropped from orbit crashing into the forest planet’s southern hemisphere. Five cities and six million people were vaporised. Three million people from the northern cities were able to flee to the moon Sanctuary before the firestorms cased by the blast reached the rest of the planet. Within a week, the entire planet had been turned from a lush green forest into a ranging fireball. A week later, there was not a single thing left alive. Within a month of the attack, the survivors on Sanctuary had to flee again as Arc was flung onto a collision course. Only 500,000 people survived the risky mass transport to the capital planet, Xiao.

The next day, a number of people on the planet Sa began to show powers which until then had only been displayed by the systems royal families and more specifically by the guardians, the sailor senshi. They also began to act out of character, disabling the power turbines and attacking random people with their new powers. The Death Phantom had brainwashed them. A short time later, the Death Phantom appeared on Sa. Unfortunately the senshi were busy elsewhere. Sailor Mucai had had her planet burnt to a crisp and had half a million people to look after, Sailor Xiao was trying to work out what had happened on Mucai while helping to run her world and Sailor Sa was trying, in vain, to get transport home. The people of Sa that weren’t able to flee the planet were put to work as slaves mining the rich resources of the planet or brainwashed into Death Phantom’s army.

Six months after the disaster on Mucai, the brainwashed army arrived on Xiao only to enter battle with the senshi. The senshi were able to free people from the army, but city after city fell until it is just the royal capital remaining due to the sheer number of brainwashed people in the army.

The first time the Death Phantom appeared in the open was moments before the final battle. The senshi combined their powers but were quickly defeated. One by one, each are killed until just the Queens of Xiao and Sa were left. Together they combined their powers with the Light Crystal to send the senshi to Sol. Just after the senshi disappeared to be reborn on Earth, Death Phantom slaughtered the Queens and stole the Light Crystal.

He converted the Light Crystal with his own powers turning it into the Black Crystal of Nemesis (Jakokusuishou). Once all the resources in the system had been removed, the Death Phantom killed his slaves, took the crystal and the resources and then resumed his journey to Sol. The Death Phantom arrived at the outer planet Nemesis in the late 29th century where he began merging with the dark planet. A number of years later, those banished from Crystal Tokyo arrived.


before 300BC: Monsters plague the Sol System resisting all attempts to destroy them.
300BC: Colonists leave Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
4BC: The last of the monsters in Sol is destroyed by the Silver Crystal. Silver Millennium formed
200AD: Colonists from Mars, Jupiter and Saturn arrive in Alpha Centauri
494AD: Centauri Coalition formed by Kingdoms of Mucai, Sa and Xiao
994AD: Dark Kingdom destroys Moon Kingdom, Silver Millennium falls
1494AD: Death Phantom attacks Alpha Centauri
1495AD: The last surviving Kingdom of Alpha Centauri falls

1994AD: Sailormoon appears in Tokyo
