Mysterious girl? Fall of the Golden Millennium! by Himeno
Part 1
The first part of this story was submitted to the Tower of Time Solar Celebration Contest where it won grand prize.
It is based on the Solar Wars story at Tower of Time and is a slight crossover with my fic SMAR. The Golden Millennium and the Sun Senshi contained within this story are copyright to Song of Amazon and Tower of Time.


A sudden wind blew up in the normally calm part of Juuban pushing loose leaves down the street. Then, just as suddenly, a multi coloured light appeared at the source of the wind temporarily startling the few people on the street. When the light faded a school girl was left standing in its place. After seeing the new arrival was not a youma, the crowd shrugged and resumed their lives.

Hiteki Hoshi’s eyes snapped open in the bright midday light. Slowly adjusting to the brightness, Hoshi found herself in standing outside the Crown Karaoke and Game centre.

"How... did I get here?" asked Hoshi, more to herself then to the other people around her. Walking into the building, Hoshi saw Furuhata Motoki behind the counter looking at his turtle intently. "Furuhata-san, have you seen Rei-chan by any chance?"
Motoki’s gaze shifted from the aquarium tank to the voice and he glanced at her with confusion. "Rei? No, I don’t know, you could try the... eh? Who are you?"
"Nani? Who am I? You don’t remember? I’m Hiteki Hoshi..."
Motoki blinked as he looked at Hoshi and the T*A uniform she was wearing, “Nope, never seen you before. Are you one of Rei’s friends from school?"
Hoshi quickly nodded, "I’m in her class."
"I see. I don’t think Rei is here now, but you can check her reserved room." Motoki pointed down the hall before turning to the ignorant bliss of gazing at his turtle.
Hoshi gave a nod and continued down the hall, still confused by Motoki’s apparent memory loss.

Placing a shaky hand on the cloaked door, Hoshi stepped down into the hidden room. 'That’s strange' thought Hoshi as she closed the door behind her, 'the lights should have come on when I stepped through the door. Doesn’t the system recognize me?' Cautiously, Hoshi called in a low voice "is anyone here?" Without a reply, Hoshi slowly walked down the stairs into the darkened room. Peering through the darkness, Hoshi saw a flashing light coming from one of the computers. She moved towards the machine in the corner of the room and quickly pulled up the last data that had been accessed. Almost immediately, a look of shock crept across her face. Scan data of the sun showed the star as active and teaming with life. Moments later, the scan data was blocked as images appeared across the computer screen. "Sailor Senshi?" After pressing on one of the images, a small profile appeared:

Sailor Sun/Queen Astra – counterpart: Sailor Moon

Hoshi’s jaw dropped in surprise. She pressed the button marked search and waited. Moments later, a map of Tokyo flashed onto the screen showing a group of icons, 28 in all, near the park. Within minutes, Hoshi had left Crown and was running towards the park.

Juuban Park

The light enveloping the dais grew brighter, forcing the Silver senshi to cover their eyes. Inside the bright light, smaller beams of light shot up into the atmosphere as the Golden senshi disappeared into their teleport.

Hoshi’s eyes narrowed as the glare from the low setting sun threatened to blind her. Entering the park, she could barely see the bright glow coming from the dais in the middle of the park until she was almost on top of it.

Nearing the dais, she heard a murmur of voices. 'Rei?' Suddenly, the light in front of her grew a magnitude brighter as she heard someone call out "Blast off!". Hoshi felt herself stumble and lose her footing before she fell into the now dimming light. As she reached the middle of the empty glowing dais, Hoshi felt herself get stretched, turning into a beam of light. Unprotected by her senshi powers, Hoshi screamed silently as she saw a glimpse of Earth from space before blacking out.

After the light had gradually faded away, the girls gazed towards the setting sun in silence for a few moments thinking about their new friends and the future. They soon turned to leave the park and resume their normal lives.

Golden Millennium

Furea gasped seeing the High Turret above the palace start to glow light purple. "Bengosha... The High Turret."
Bengosha quickly turned to see the highest point of the kingdom faintly glowing. Just as fast, she grabbed hold of her hair brooch "Blue Sun Spectrum Power, Makeup!"
Nodding, Furea also took hold of her brooch with a shout of "Red Sun Spectrum Power, Makeup!"
Together, the pair of Spectrum senshi ran into the palace towards the High Turret.

Inside the palace, Princess Aiji and Sailor Yellow Sun were walking past the entrance to the winding stairs leading to the High Turret when they saw the faint glow. Before they could comment, Sailors Blue and Red Sun rushed past and up the stairs. Yellow Sun and Aiji quickly joined them.

The four girls stared at the faint form in the middle of the dais as she slowly formed from a teleportation. "Who could that be? Everyone is already on the Sun." asked Blue Sun absently while narrowing her eyes at the slowly solidifying form.
"Whoever it is can’t be good.” muttered Red Sun.
"How can you say that? We don’t know who she is. But we should get ready for anything."pleaded the princess.
Yellow Sun nodded, "It is four against one. If she attacks, we won’t have a problem dealing with her."

Princess Aiji transformed to her senshi form as the others spaced themselves out around the outer circle. A minute later, the glow faded as the painfully slow transport completed leaving a 16 year old girl standing in the middle of the room with her eyes closed. She had shoulder length black hair and was wearing an outlandish grey uniform of some sort. Blue Sun and Red Sun glanced at each other nervously as they felt a connection to the girl. The girl cried out in pain before collapsing to the cold floor of the tower.

The small group of sun senshi stared at the unconscious girl in confusion, each with the same thoughts running through their minds. Who is she? Where did she come from?

Sailor Sunlight kneeled down beside the girl and moved her hand towards her head. Without warning, the girls hair turned slightly blue and the signs of mars and mercury flashed on her forehead. Sunlight fell backwards with a yelp. "She’s... she’s a senshi."

Before the other sun senshi could react, Sailor Teal Sun entered the room. "There have been reports of an invasion force of youma in the outer prefectures. Two prefectures have fallen to the Dark Kingdom."

As the news sank in, Blue Sun’s eyes narrowed at the girl, "She’s a spy. Restrain her." Teal Sun and Red Sun grabbed hold of the unconscious stranger and took her out of the room as Sunlight, Blue Sun and Yellow Sun ran to the royal chambers.


As the royal chamber began to fill with the Sun senshi, Green Sun placed markers on a large map floating in front of Queen Astra. Each of the marked zones turned black while the unmarked areas remained gold.

The Queen nodded to Green Sun who then started to describe what the map was showing. "As you know, the Golden Millennium has been invaded by the Dark Kingdom. The youma are killing everything they encounter and their shear numbers make them almost impossible for us to stop. So far they have taken all the prefectures on the far side of the Sun from the palace."

The Spectrum Senshi looked shocked, the far side prefectures were theirs. The thought of monsters tearing their way through their homes was almost unbearable. After a moment, Green Sun continued, "Right now, the youma have paused their advance. They may be waiting for reinforcements."

Blue Sun thought for a moment before replying, "or news from their spy. They sent a senshi from the Moon Kingdom to spy on us. The Moon must be working with the Dark Kingdom." The other senshi murmured for a moment until the Queen stood.
"I’d like to talk to this spy. Tsute and Kashoku can remain here with Sunlight and Spectrum while everyone else counter attacks. I trust that Toumoku and Bengosha will be able to lead the counter attack?" The senshi nodded their approval before splitting into their groups and leaving the room.


Almost simultaneously, the teams lead by Blue Sun and Gold Sun appeared in flashes of light at two points along the front lines. The seven Spectrum senshi quickly replied to the capture of their homes by sending their attacks ripping into the surprised groups of youma.
"Solar Flames Incinerate"
"Solar Heat Wave"
"Solar Flare"
"Violet Ultra Rays"
"Invisible Beams Beat Down"
"Blinding Sunbeams Flash"
"Flares Auroras Dance"

All around the Spectrum senshi the youma that had been hit melted into a fine grey powder. A howl echoed around the battle area as a hundred youma rushed to reinforce the breached defence.

The Spectrum senshi split into smaller teams, spreading out into the now gaping hole in the Dark Kingdoms invasion force. Indigo Sun, Orange Sun, Violet Sun and Green Sun ran along the edge of the Aoi prefecture as the horde of youma chased after them, while Blue Sun, Red Sun and Yellow Sun pushed deeper into Aoi. Before long, Blue Sun caught sight of her home town. Soon after, her eyes burned with the same fury as the flames enveloping her home. She grabbed her partners hands and ran towards the meeting point with the rest of Spectrum senshi.

On the other side of the Golden Millennium, the Colour senshi also flung out their attacks at the unsuspecting youma.
"Bright Solar Shine"
"Bright Solar Flash"
"Shimmering Solar Shine"
"Black Light Eclipse"
"White Light Purity"
"Solar Beams Dance"
"Solar Shadows Consume"

Right as the blasts slammed into the youma, the Colour senshi broke into three small groups and pressed on deeper into enemy held territory. White Sun and Black Sun combined their attacks on a large tripod like youma as it turned towards them. Their attack blasted off one of the youma’s legs forcing it to lean to the side. One of its arms lashed out towards the pair who jumped over. Black Sun punched the youma’s head as White Sun destroyed another of its legs. A final joint attack turned the tripod youma’s head into dust.

Nearby, Gray Sun and Brown Sun stood back to back as they cast their attacks into each group of youma as they entered range. Growling as the smaller youma erupted into flames, two large youma ran at the senshi. The pair were barely able to destroy one of the giant youma before the other reached down, catching them in its massive fists.
Akari and Hanryo screamed as their power was drained before fainting under the pressure. Quickly dispatching the last of the youma, Gold Sun’s team quickly attacked the massive youma which was focused on squashing the life out of Akari and Hanryo. Silver Sun jumped onto the youma’s back, pointed to its head and called "Shimmering Solar Shine". Gold Sun rolled along the ground ahead of the moving mass of monster as she used her Solar Flash to blind the youma. Then Bronze Sun fired a Solar Beams Dance into its arms. Slowly, the attacks did their work, cutting through the youma’s hardened mass. In a bright flash of light, the youma turned into a cloud of dust and the girls fell towards the ground.

Hearing a deep rumbling of more giant youma coming towards them, the colour senshi picked up the limp forms of Akari and Hanryo then ran back to the palace.

The four Spectrum senshi had been pushed up against the remains of a stone wall sending out their attacks into the youma horde behind them as fast as they could.
"Solar Flare"
"Violet Ultra Rays"
"Invisible Beams Beat Down"
"Flares Auroras Dance"

Youma after youma turned to dust as the beams of light, flame and plasma burst into the horde. But the defenders were rapidly losing ground. Suddenly, a youma at the side of the horde howled as it was lifted off the ground and thrown into the others. Turning towards the unearthly sound, the trapped senshi smiled as they saw Yellow Sun waving to them and a furious Blue Sun kicking a fallen youma until its head exploded.

Before Blue Sun could jump into the horde and take them on herself, Red Sun pulled her towards their friends. Green Sun and Indigo Sun stepped forward calling out their attacks while the others joined hands.
"Orange Sun Spectrum Power"
"Violet Sun Spectrum Power"
"Blue Sun Spectrum Power"
"Yellow Sun Spectrum Power"
"Red Sun Spectrum Power"
The sky filled with each of the colours of the rainbow as the senshi called "Solar Miracle Power". A loud howl could be heard all over the Aoi Prefecture marking the deaths of 100 youma.

Sailor Blue Sun looked towards the distant flames with pause, "Let’s go back. We’re done here."


Queen Astra looked at the sleeping girl being held between Tsute and Kashoku. Slightly confused by the mixed signals coming off the girl, the Queen placed her hand on the girls forehead for a moment. The girls purple eyes fluttered open with a faint whisper, "where am I?"

"You’re in my kingdom, the Golden Millennium. Who are you and why are you here?"

The girl looked up to focus on the voice, seeing the queens hair style, wings and fuku, she paused for a moment in confusion, "Your majesty," she tried to bow but was held fast by the senshi to either side, "my name is Hoshi, Hiteki Hoshi. I have no idea how I got here."

"Hoshi? I’m not aware of any of the silver senshi having that name. Are you from the Moon Kingdom?"

Hoshi looked towards Sunlight and Spectrum as a deeply worried gaze crept across her face, "The Moon Kingdom? In a way I suppose. Only in a past life. The Dark Kingdom destroyed it 1000 years ago. Just as the Queen forced them into hiding for 1000 years. What’s going on?"

"Right as you arrived here, the Dark Kingdom invaded. We think you’re a spy," Sailor Sunlight replied. Hoshi fell into a shocked silence as Sunlight continued, "or if not a spy, a distraction."

"What do you have to say for yourself?" asked the older senshi standing beside Sunlight, Sailor Spectrum.
Hoshi tried to gather her thoughts before she replied, after a moment of silence she answered, "I didn’t even know there was life on the sun until just before I ended up here. I was in Tokyo when I stumbled into a bright light in the park. I think I might have heard some voices coming out of the light before I got there. The next thing I knew, I woke up here. Maybe I’m in some other timeline. As far as I’m aware, the Dark Kingdom destroyed the Silver Millennium 1000 years ago and Sailor Moon destroyed the Dark Kingdom two years ago. If you’ve been attacked, I want to help then go home."

Queen Astra shock her head, "I’m afraid I can’t do that. You’ve admitted to being part of the Silver Millennium. I have no way of trusting you. You’ll have to..." the Queen was cut off by a high pitched scream echoing through the chamber. Out the corner of her eye, Hoshi could see the faint glitter of a Dark Kingdom portal appear in midair in the middle of the room, the portal was light that it blended into the surrounding light making it almost impossible to see. The Sun senshi began glancing around the room looking for the source of the sound.
Seeing an arm poke its way through the almost invisible hole, Hoshi pulled her arms up and dived forwards. Pink Sun and Teal Sun, surprised by the sudden movement were pulled down with Hoshi. As the spectrum senshi and their prisoner tumbled into Sailor Sunlight, a blast of dark energy ripped through the space Hoshi and her guards had just vacated.

Shocked at the sudden attack, and the amount of youma now passing through the portal, Queen Astra lifted the Sun Prism towards the youma now standing in the middle of the chamber. "Shining Sunbeams Purification". Holes appeared in the bodies of the first two youma before ripping them apart giving the fallen senshi time to stand.
Hoshi, now forgotten in the face of the surprise attack, muttered "Caloris Crystal Power, Make up". The first silver senshi to stand in the Golden Kingdom for years watched the increasing crossfire filling the space between the youma and the Sun Senshi beside her.
"Dying Star"
"Bright Flash"
"Shining Light"
"Prism Light Refraction"
The attacks converged on the youma, killing a number and injuring others. The return fire was just as fierce.

Ignored by both sides, Sailor Caloris called "Steam Inferno" sending a blast of superheated steam into the force of youma. Even as the youma melted within the column of steam, one last blast pushed its way towards the Sun senshi, hitting Teal Sun. She clutched her side and fell backwards, knocking Caloris to the ground. Blood began to pool on Teal Sun’s white bodice as her body became limp. A light appeared around Caloris reviling Hoshi as the victorious Sun senshi turned towards their fallen comrade.

"Kashoku?" asked Tsute softly, looking towards her limp form in Hoshi’s arms. Hoshi looked back at Tsute with a sad expression across her face. "Kashoku?" asked Tsute again, a worried tone creeping into her voice. Tsute sat next to Kashoku’s body in horror as the realisation set in.

The rest of the Sun senshi appeared back in the palace in a flash of light, shocked to see Tsute and the stranger holding Kashoku with sad expressions. Hoshi turned towards Queen Astra and her daughters, "Please, let me help you."

To be continued
