A Short Life by Himeno
This short story is based on episodes 23, Wishing on a Shooting Star! Naru-chan's Pure Love! and 24, Naru-chan's Tears! Death of Nephrite for Love! of the original BSSM anime. It shows something that could have happened in the SMAR timeline between Zoisite’s attack on Nephrite and the arrival of the Sailor Senshi.

I am a fool. I'm meant to be some kind of warrior. Hah, I couldn't even hold back two pitiful enemies without help. I failed, and now I'm dying.

I saw a chance to take out two of Beryl's generals, Nephrite and someone called Zoisite. Zoisite appeared to have youma attacking Nephrite, while Usagi-san's friend Naru hid behind Nephrite.

Hoshi walked along the street, on her way towards the cram school, when there was a loud crash of a body slamming into a tree. Looking into the park, Hoshi saw a youma jump up and run back at its attacker.

I thought I could destroy them. I didn't stop to think about what I was doing. I just went for it.
Pulling out her purple henshin pen, Hoshi called "Caloris Power, Make Up". Moments later, Sailor Caloris entered the park.

Zoisite's youma charged at Nephrite once again. Its attack leave another stream of green blood smear his cheek. An unexpected barrage of flame cut into the side of one of the youma. The monster howled before turning to dust.
"Hold it right there. I won't allow you to harm this sacred place." interacting to the grave yard nearby.

At least one of them should have fled when I arrived. I was wrong. I was overconfident, ready to rush in no matter the cost. Now, I suppose, I know what that cost is.

Zoisite and the remaining youma turned towards Caloris as Nephrite tried to protect Naru.

At first, I couldn't understand why Nephrite wouldn't attack me. Not until I saw the green blood dripping from his arm.

Together the remaining youma charged at the lone senshi. Sailor Caloris jumped as the youma threw energy pellets and grass spears towards her. Landing behind the youma pair, Caloris called "Water Soul". The attack sent out a stream of iced water, bearing down on the youma. One of the youma turned to ice then quickly shuttered as Zoisite's remaining minion attacked again.

I was too impulsive, too eager for the kill before the other senshi arrived and I had to leave. I didn't notice that I had moved right into that youma's attack until it was too late.

Sailor Caloris took a step towards the youma readying another attack. Suddenly, the youma fired its spears again. The spears hit Caloris in her chest as they moved through towards Nephrite. Gasping heavily, Caloris looked down at the blood rapidly soaking her fuku. As she fell, Zoisite's laugh echoed through the air. After the Black Crystal settled into his hand, Zoisite disappeared in a flicker of light.

Caloris' fuku melted away as Hoshi heard a shout in the distance. "Hold it". The youma looked around to see three senshi standing nearby. Suddenly, the area filled up with fog. Moments after a howl, the fog cleared to reveal a small pile of dust in the middle of the clearing.

Now, I lay here, the darkness closing in around me and a glowing bonny spear piercing my chest. I can hear Mars ... no, Rei-chan, coming towards me.

"I'm sorry Rei. You were right."

Hoshi closed her eyes, her Henshin wand broken next to her.
