Sailor Moon Infinity Returns
Chapter 3: Darkening of Stars by Himeno

Upon hearing the voice, eight heads turned towards the new arrival. A tall man stood wearing a smug grin across his face, his arm stretched towards Cerecere and the three waiting senshi. The air appeared to ripple around his hand before forming a ball of black energy.

Sailor Caloris gazed at the man, almost as if she had gone into a trance. "It's him..." she quietly mumbled. Mars shot her fellow senshi a quick gaze of worry.

That's when the shouting erupted.
"Who do you think you are? Interrupting me like that." screamed Cerecere.
"None of your concern. Now beat it." replied the man in a level voice.

Nearby Usagi and Minako were watching the shouting match with great interest, ignoring the repeated tapping from Ami and Chibiusa upon on their shoulders. Luna looked at them from Ami's shoulder shaking her head. "Usagi, Minako..." when they did not reply, the cat jumped, clawing them lightly. "Henshin yo." The two girls nodded, but kept watching Cerecere and the man as Ami and Chibiusa pulled them away.

"None of my concern? I was here first." the pink amazon looked around for the girl she had been aiming at. When she saw no one near the bench, she glared at the man angrily "You made me lose my target." Cerecare paused for a moment as she picked up her ball, a thought entered her mind causing her to give a small grin "Perhaps I should make a new target." she finished.

Makurayami took at step towards Cerecere, and the three senshi behind her, and released the built up ball of energy. Cerecere threw her ball over Makurayami's head towards the tree line before jumping out of the way of his energy. Makurayami's energy blast continued towards Jupiter, Mars and Caloris.

Mars looked towards Caloris as Jupiter jumped out of the way. Seeing that Caloris was staring in shock at Makurayami, she pushed her out of the way, and then dived to the ground as the energy and mass of rippling air past overhead.

Cerecere's ball bounced off the tree and ricocheted into Makurayami's back. He laughed as it went right though his body without pulling out a mirror.

"No mirror." gasped Cerecere. "What the hell are you?"

"I am Makurayami. I don't need you. Leave." Makurayami said as he sent a new wave towards Cerecere. She braced herself and transported away as the wave hit.

Hearing a noise in the bushes beside the park bench, Makurayami turned towards them. A moment later four Sailor Senshi landed around him.

"I don't know what you are or why you are attacking our enemy, because it's certain you are not our ally. But we won't let you hurt anyone! In the name of the moon, we will punish you!"

Makurayami gazed at Sailor Moon and the other senshi blankly before simply lifting his hand. A wave of energy ripped through the air becoming a gale force wind. Heavy winds slammed into Moon, Chibimoon and Mercury, blasting them through the air and into the fountain.

Alarmed, Jupiter's lightening rod rose from her tiara, building energy into her hands.
"Sparkling Wide Pressure" yelled the senshi of lightening, sending her lightening ball towards the tall man.

Makurayami plucked the ball out of the air and tossed it back towards Jupiter who dodged the returned attack as Mars and Caloris teamed up.

"Fire Soul"
"Flaming Meteor"

The dual fire attacks combined to form a giant ball of fire moving through the air at the distracted Makurayami. The fireball enveloped him for a moment quickly knocking him down.

The attack only served to enrage Makurayami. He was already back on his feet in the moment it took for Venus to charge her 'Love Me Chain' and fling it towards him. The chain wrapped itself around his arm and he pulled. Venus went flying into the air towards Makurayami silently screaming in surprise. Moments later, he let go of the chain, causing Venus to glide overhead into the tree trunk behind him.

"Venus!!!" cried Jupiter as she charged at Makurayami. As she neared, Jupiter sliced her hand towards Makurayami's face. Light, Right, Dodge, Jump, Kick, Right. Each time, Makurayami was perfectly matched, dodging and attacking at just the right times. Makurayami brought round a swiping punch to Jupiter's left arm, and then kneed her in the chest.

Jupiter was thrown backwards, pushing Caloris to the ground as she landed. Makurayami smiled, moving towards his pray. Stopping when he was blocked by something.

Looking down, Makurayami saw Sailor Chibimoon holding a heart shaped bell in his face.

"Pink Sugar, Heart Attack." small pink hearts slowly, and then with greater speed, flew from the bell. Each hit bought a small groan from Makurayami.

Meanwhile, Mercury stood off to the side scanning Makurayami with her computer. A moment later, she called out "Shine Aqua Illusion". The drill like wave of iced water splashed its ice onto Makurayami's side, freezing his leg to the ground.

Locked to the ground, Makurayami looked around in horror as he heard the attack calls.

"Mercury Aqua Mist"
"Venus Love-Me Chain"
"Burning Mandala"
"Jupiter Thunderbolt"

Makurayami screamed as pellets of ice pelted into his side, rings of fire cut though his cloak, a chain wrapped around his neck and bolts of lightening forced him to the ground.

He looked beaten, but looks can be deceiving.

"Sailor Moon, Chibimoon, now." Mars called over her shoulder.

"No... Wait he's no..." started Caloris as she heard Chibimoon ring her bell and call "Twinkle Yell".

A flash of golden light appeared in midair, flashing into Sailor Moon's Kaleid-Moon-Scope.

"Moon Gorgeous Meditation."

Sailor Moon's attack covered Makurayami in pure energy. He screamed in great pain, but remained as the attack past.

Makurayami howled in pain as he transported away as the senshi looked on in shock.


The senshi, now back in their normal forms, walked up the stairs to the Hikawa Shrine. Hoshi, Makoto and Minako nursing their wounds. After reaching the top of the long flight of stairs they, along with Ami, Rei and Chibiusa, cringed as Usagi started wailing.

"He wasn't dusted... Why wasn't he dusted? He's too powerful, we're all going to die..."

Hoshi and Ami both sighed as Rei turned towards Usagi.
"Odango Atama. Shut Up. It didn't look like he wanted you anyway." Rei yelled in Usagi's ear. "Not that anyone would." She added under her breath.

"Rei, you're me..." began Usagi.

Cutting in quickly before Usagi could finish, Ami added, "We don't even know who he is working for. It could be the Dead Moon or someone new. Let's not jump to conclusions."

After the girls had entered Rei's room, Hoshi and Rei moved into the main corridor.

Turning back to the others, Rei said, "I told Hoshi I would do a fire reading for her." Usagi opened her mouth to comment but before she could make a sound, Rei pointed to a stack of manga in the corner of the room. Usagi's and Minako's eyes lit up as they saw the stack before diving into the manga.


"Arigatou Rei-chan," Hoshi said in a faint voice as they paused outside her room, "I need some more sleep, wake me up when you are done."

Rei nodded to her friend with a look of concern showing through her serious gaze. She waited as Hoshi slid her door back and entered her room before continuing on towards the fire room.


All around, stone, blackness, void.

Again there was no sound, other then the grinding away of the cold stone city by the black void.

Hoshi, the only living thing in the stone landscape, moved slowly towards the statues.

"Rei, Ami, Usagi. Wake up. I need you. He.." Hoshi reached her hand out to touch the statues, the moment her hand brushed the stone, the statues disintegrated into dust. Shakily, Hoshi called out "Ami?"


Rei sat in front of the fire, chanting slowly. Opening her eyes slowly, she concentrated on the bright white center of the flame. She saw the image of a girl running through a stone city with a black mass close behind her. The girl stopped by a group of 6 stone statues standing in the middle of the road.

As if looking over the girls shoulder, Rei saw an image of herself. An unmoving, cold stone statue. "Mars?" The girl turned into Rei's 'view', allowing Rei to see her deep purple eyes and blue-black hair. "Hoshi."


Hoshi started running, away from the slivery-white power remains of her friends and the quickly moving black mass. After a while, all she could hear was the pounding of her shoes on the stone road and the pounding of her heart.

The void behind her grew larger and faster until it surrounded her and the building in front of her.


Rei continued to stare into the flame in the center of the room as she chanted. She could see the twirling black mass bearing down on the image of Hoshi, ripping the statues to shreds as Hoshi ran from them. "The Silence."

Watching as a tall man moved towards Hoshi's image, Rei could not help but feel a sense of déjà-vu as shock started to creep onto her face. Rei watched a blue light appear near Hoshi and shot off into the air.


Hoshi ran into the building before her, hoping it would stop the swirling mass behind her.

The blackness moved towards the building then… Nothing.


In the fire, Rei saw the man flick out a knife from his coat and ram it into Hoshi. A drop of blood hit the ground, then a wind blew up, snuffing out the fire. "Hoshi. The Silence."


Hoshi sat up in bed alert as beads of sweat ran down her face. Breathing heavily, Hoshi stood up and slowly moved towards the door. She quietly opened it and walked through. After closing the door, Hoshi opened a side exit and disappeared into the dimming daylight.


"We can assume this 'Makurayami' does not work for the Dead Moon Circus as he attacked that girl." Ami stated to Luna as she pulled up some data on her computer.
"I agree. We need to find..." started the black cat, stopping as Usagi interrupted.
"Ami-chan. You have to see this. It's funny." yelled Usagi as she forced the manga into Ami's view.

Just then, the door slid open as Rei came running into the room.
"The Silence. I saw the Silence."
"The Silence?" asked Ami, "But we prevented that last year. Pluto sealed Master Pharaoh 90 out of the galaxy."
Rei nodded slowly. "This Makurayami person wants something Hoshi has. But I have no idea what it is."
Minako jumped up, moving towards the table. "Hoshi-chan is in danger?"
Rei nodded grimly, "He might even kill her to get what he wants."
"...Kill?" Usagi asked shakily as tears started to appear in her eyes.
"Wait... What are we going to do?" Makoto asked as she held up her hand to stop the others.
"Rei, do we tell Hoshi what you saw?"
"We have to. We can't hide this from her. Not with her life possibly at stake." replied Rei, moving towards the door.


Hoshi stopped outside the abandoned building near Juuban Junior High. Staring at it, she saw a flash of the building covered in stone and twisting blackness behind it.

Slowly pulling out her henshin pen, Hoshi raised the pen towards the sky as she called "Caloris Crystal Power, Make Up."

A moment later, Super Sailor Caloris ran into the building.


Rei knocked on Hoshi's door, then slid the door open slightly. "Hoshi? I did the..." Rei looked inside the empty room. "Hoshi?"
Turning back into the hall to see the outside door open, Rei gasped and ran back to the others.
"Hoshi's gone."

The girls looked at each other with grave concern on their faces.


Sailor Caloris ran through the building looking for her prey. Room after room and floor after floor were deserted. She made her way up the last flight of stairs to the top floor. Reaching out with her mind, Caloris felt something, somewhere on that floor. "He's here somewhere."

Following her instincts, Caloris forced her way into the last room in the hall, only to be met with a blast of charged air pressure. The air ripped though her body, ramming the lone senshi into the wall opposite the door.

Caloris pushed herself to her feet and brought her hands together. As she concentrated, her fingertips flashed red as balls of fire grew at the tips. "Flaming..." Caloris started as she spun around. The tiny fireballs grew larger until they were almost touching. Calling out "Meteor", her palms turned towards Makurayami, sending the balls of fire roaring towards him.

The fire grazed Makurayami in his cheek as he dodged to the side, leaving a trail of black blood running down his face.

Ignoring the blood, Makurayami built up another blast wave between his hands. "Give me what I want and you won't have to die." Makurayami said with a sneer.

"I don't have anything you want. Now die. I won't let you destroy this world." Sailor Caloris quickly replied. "Aqua Arc", finished Caloris with a yell.

Streams of water formed along her arms as she spun and dragged the water into a long twisting drill. Caloris lifted her fists towards her enemy directing the drill of water into him. At the same time Makurayami released his wave.


Minako, Makoto, Ami, Rei, Usagi and Chibiusa ran down the road towards the building. The whole top floor was lit up as a beam of fire shot though the windows. Moments later, a loud noise was heard as the roof caved in under a blast of black energy.
"She is in there." whispered Rei as she started towards the door.
The others looked at each other and nodded as they pulled out their henshin wands or brooches.

"Mars Crystal Power..."
"Venus Crystal Power..."
"Jupiter Crystal Power..."
"Mercury Crystal Power..."
"Moon Crisis..."
"Make Up"

The senshi ran into the building and started up the stairs. Halfway up the stairwell, they heard a loud scream as Makurayami slammed Caloris into the floor. When they had reached the next floor, an eerie silence had settled over the building.

"Shi-chan!!!" Sailor Moon screamed, pushing ahead of Mars. Mars, Venus and Chibimoon ran after her.

Together they pushed through the door where Makurayami was waiting. With shocked looks on their faces they saw a black tube of some kind in the corner of the room. Through the plastic on the front of the tube they could see Caloris with her eyes closed and head tilted to one side as if she was sleeping, but there was also blood running down her face.

Sailor Moon turned back to Makurayami yelling, "Locking up innocent girls, hurting people who have done you no harm." Makurayami yawned, looking less then impressed.
"In the name of the moon, we'll punish you." Chibimoon finished.

"Troublesome little creatures." Makurayami replied with a sigh.

The senshi jumped out of the door as Makurayami attacked them with his blast of ripping air. After the blast had moved past, Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus took running jumps at Makurayami.

"Sailor V..."
"Sailor Moon..."

Moon and Venus landed to each side of Makurayami as he struggled to keep his footing.

The attack was quickly followed up by calls of "Burning Mandala", "Sparkling Wide Pressure" and "Shine Aqua Illusion". Jupiter's lightening joined with Mercury's wave and together slammed into Makurayami just after Mars' rings of fire knocked him to the floor again. Parts of the roof caved in around the senshi as the whole building shock from the impact.

Weakened, Makurayami knew he would not be able to survive an attack by Sailor Moon. Slowly, he crawled towards the tube in the corner of the room. Using the tubes supporting legs, he pulled himself to his feet as he eyed the senshi. Makurayami placed his hand on the glass and concentrated. Gradually, a grey glow appeared around his hand.

Sailor Moon grabbed hold of her Kaleid-Moon-Scope. Pointing it towards Makurayami, she started her attack. "Moon..."

"You may destroy this body, but you will never destroy my power." Makurayami said with pure contempt, the grey glow spreading to cover most of the tubes surface.

"...Gorgeous Meditation." Sailor Moon finished. Sailor Moon's attack hit Makurayami and he shattered, screaming, like glass.

Chibimoon and Mars rushed to the pod like tube before the glow of the attack had faded. Together they pounded on the glass, desperately trying to open it. "Ami-chan..." pleaded Chibimoon, "you have to open it."

Mercury lifted the lid of her computer then ran it over the pod. "I... I can't... There is some kind of energy blocking my computer from the controls."

Sailor Moon looked at Caloris lying inside and the trail of blood frozen on her face.

Venus walked around as she pointed her finger at the glass. "Don't worry, I'll get her out. Crescent..."

She stopped, feeling a gloved hand grab her from behind and push her arm away. Venus looked over her shoulder to see Jupiter standing beside her shacking her head. "You'll hit Hoshi."

As the senshi crowded around the pod, they heard a loud cracking and rumbling sound. The building again started to shake with remaining parts of the roof crashing through the floor below. "The building is about to collapse. We have to get out of here." Mercury said after completing a scan of the building.

Dust from the roof filled the room, preventing the female soldiers from watching as cracks appeared under the pod.


Minutes later, standing outside, the senshi watched as the old abandoned building gave way and fell in on itself. Burying the pod deep underground, under tons of rubble.

As the dust cleared, the senshi stood in shock watching the ground claim one of their own.

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